Thursday, August 9, 2012

Week 1 - 10 Aug 2012 - 17 Aug 2012 - My weight loss plan to lose 15.5kg in 16 weeks

I read a few blogs on weight loss and their journeys such as
and quite a few others. And they all seem to have something in common - CONSISTENCY.

I think that is my No. 1 problem in life. to be consistent and maintaining that consistency throughout my journey. I am the jack of all trades and the master of none. i need to refocus my energy in doing one thing at a time so i will get the best result. trying to fit everything in one schedule is exhausting and i am not being the best, just average. and its killing me coz i know i can do better.

so here it is, my new goal for this year - Losing 15.5kg.

Current stats : Date - 10 August 2012
Current Weight - 71.5 KG
Muscle mass - 40.5%
BMR - 1354
Water - 44%
Visceral - 8
Fat - 40.3%

Goal stats : Date - 2 December 2012
Goal Weight - 56 kg
Muscle Mass - 55%
BMR - 1600
Water - 65%
Visceral - 3
Fat - 25%

I have about 16 weeks to lose 15.5kg. That's about an average of 1kg per week. Its a damn tough challenge that i have set for myself because i have a great passion for food. i mean, i love it! but after carefully researching and observing so many of my thin friends, food is the root of all evil related to weight gain. and i need to stop.

My current normal days goes when it comes to food look like this :-

Breakfast - 2 eggs, toast, hainan coffee - RM6.90
Lunch - Mee hoon soup, hainan coffee - RM12.90
Tea break - hup seng crackers, plain coffee, no sugar or milk
Dinner - thosai with chicken or sardin, milk ginger tea
i drink about 1.5 liter of water a day and exercise 3 times a week in the gym.

at the gym, i jog for 30 minutes and do weights for 30 minutes.

So basically for 16 weeks :-
a) no hainan coffee - only black coffee
b) no rice, pasta, mee hoon, thosai, roti canai, bread - basically no wheat at all! gonna die lor
c) increase cardio to one hour at lease 5 times a week - target calories burned - 500 cal per session.
d) only eat before 6pm. if hungry after 6pm, drink water and psyllium husk.
e) do yoga once a week f) no candies, chocolates, laddu, kesari, curry puffs, doughnuts, red velvet - die la g) eat loads of protein and complex carbs

As of 10 August 2012, a typical weight loss diet regime will look like this :-
breakfast - 2 eggs and black coffee or oats with raisins
lunch - roasted lamb with mash and salad / subway (turkey salad without the bread)
tea - 1 banana
dinner - greek yogurt with lettuce, carrots, broccoli, tomatoes and olives
drink at least 2.5 liters of water daily

At the gym :-
45 minutes cardio 5 times a week
45 minutes weights as heavy as i can

so here goes. i will blog about my journey from today until 2 december 2012 with pictures every week. if this does not work, then i don't know what will.

Ready, set, GO! 10 August 2012 - Picture of my weight at 71.5kg
This was the only pic i could find today. In future i will take full and side body shots. Wish me luck :D

Thursday, July 28, 2011

My weight loss journey

I have officially promised myself that i will take myself seriously this time. No more procrastinating on losing weight as it is detrimental to my self esteem and my health. So i have officially started my journey on 28th July 2011 at 4pm. i had satisfied myself with my ultimate favourite food of Kuay Teow goreng and local coffee from Hainan cafe in Plaza Mont bye bye favourite food..i will see you again when i know i deserve you...*sob* *sob*

The reason why i'm basically embarassing myself by putting this online is i need a sense of accountability. Now i am accountable to no one but myself so i can do whatever i want, whenever i want. Sounds like our malaysian politics eh.....

I drink my 300 calories coffee everyday, sometimes 2 cups a day. i have good big american breakfast almost everyday, and my lunch consist of mostly fried noodles/kuay teow/ bihun/ nasi goreng. and my dinner is mostly fried maggie mee with teh tarik from the cafe down my condo. so i basically indulge in whatever i want. when i really go overboard, then i feel guilty and race to the gym after work and work out with a vengeance...sometimes up to 3 hours per session. then i feel really good about myself, and allow that yummy chocolate flakes to pass through my lips, or that ice cold ais kacang with extra corn and peanuts to quench my throat....and my 3 hours workout was just done so that i can offset the calories from my indulgence.

So yeah, i am officially putting a stop to this. i have reactivated my membership at the calorie counting website, - and will post what works and what doesn't. i am also going to read Tom Venuto's book, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle to get a better idea on how to lose weight properly and healthier.

Current weight : 69kg
Desired weight : 54kg
Weight to lose : 15kg
Duration : 6 months @ 2.5kg per month

So, the big picture here is :-
1. Eat healthy
2. Exercise

The plan is :-
1. Stock up on healthy foods such as yogurts, oatmeal, milk, nuts, fruits, eggs, tuna in water, wholewheat bread, raw veggies both at home and in the office and on my table.
2. Workout at least 5 times a week
3. Dance / Yoga or pilates classes

I don't want to procrastinate anymore so i am starting today evening by just having fruits for dinner. Hope i survive :)

Until next time